
“Just as the serpent stands for the power that heals as well as corrupts, so one of the thieves is destined upwards, the other downwards, and so likewise the shadow is on one side regrettable and reprehensible weakness,

on the other side healthy instinctively and the prerequisite for higher consciousness.

-Carl Gustav Jung; Aion; Page 255; Para 402

In other words,

“If a way to the Better there be, it exacts a full look at the Worst.”

-Thomas Hardy


The serpent and the rod of asclepius

Symbols can be understood as compression algorithms for transmitting information, because they are capable of resonating with many. The Rod of Asclepius is a Symbol associated with the values of Healing and Medicine, depicted by a Serpent coiling around the rod. The Serpent is also a Symbol, and it represents patterns of duality as described above by Dr. Jung. E.g.; in the case of Medicine, a drug and a toxin are no different, save for the dose.

Dr. Jung has described the Shadow - unconscious aspects one is unaware of, within and beyond - as an Archetype, seen through repeating patterns of behavior and information. In this case, the Shadow Archetype is exemplified by the Serpent. Because Archetypes are derived from the Collective Unconscious, the Serpent has been recognized as a Symbol of dual expression by numerous cultures and civilizations throughout history. Good and Evil, Power and Corruption, Medicine and Venom; these are all analogues of Light and Darkness, where the latter is the Shadow personified.

The Shadow can manifest as negligence, ignorance, or incompetence, and end up corrupting even the most benevolent of intentions. Whereas Medicine can be a beacon of hope embodying the power of healing, the unintended consequences of widespread use remain shrouded in darkness until it’s too late. And when such ramifications are illuminated, things have often magnified beyond control and are brought into consciousness in a horrifying manner.

Hence we find ourselves grappling with societal problems like:

  • Polypharmacy

  • Benzodiazepine misuse

  • An expensive and inefficient healthcare system

  • An Opioid crisis that has torn this nation apart

You get the idea. The list goes on.

Senseless tragedies ravage our communities, all in the name of snake (Serpent) oil, i.e. the false promise of hope.

Not here.


  • Trust - Sacred

  • Medical Ethics:

    • Autonomy

    • Beneficence

    • Utility/Non-Maleficence

    • Justice

  • Education - By teaching patients how to gain agency over their lives, they can ultimately “become their own therapists” and pay it forward.

  • Integration - By acknowledging the limitations of each individual approach, we integrate multiple models to avoid blind-spots and ensure the best outcomes for our patients.

  • Innovation - The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) sponsored Research Domain Criteria (RDoc) Initiative is propelling a paradigm shift in the field of Psychiatry. Therefore, we recognize the importance of Applied Neuroscience in the Information Age where data is used to objectify the subjective.

  • Patient Advocacy - It is a privilege to join you on your journey, and we are with you every step of the way.