Deploy the Archimedes’ Lever by Onboarding to web3 and Quadratically Funding our Gitcoin Grant
Gitcoin Grants Beta Round goes live on 4/25/23
Gitcoin Grants are funded via Quadratic Funding, which prioritizes the Voice of the People - Vires in Numeris
The more people that are onboarded to web3 and donate even $1, the more matching funds we unlock
This Value will be redistributed in our Society to fund the Public Good causes that matter; the ones that we decide are important such as: Education, First Responders, Youth & Community Mental Health, Energy, and much more
In our particular context of Community Mental Health, we will direct funds towards the acquisition EEG and related Neuro-Psychiatric biomarker equipment (see more below)
Psych3 is the Bridge that will onboard us to web3
Are you tired of mindlessly popping pills for whatever the “experts” believe, is ailing you? Bipolar Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder, Schizophrenia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Manic Depression, ADHD, PTSD, and numerous related diagnostic labels are prescribed routinely – but what is the solution? We are currently in the midst of multiple crises:
Opioid Epidemic
Obesity Epidemic
Sleep Epidemic
Loneliness Epidemic
These crises had been brewing for a while, and very likely contributed cumulatively to the Global Pandemic.
Surely, something has gone awry here. We have missed something.
What is more valuable?
The superficial evaluation of your “behavioral symptoms,” or the totality of your phenomenological perception of reality?
Subjective behavioral changes assessed via rating scales, or Objective brain wave/EEG readings?
Imagine if chest pain were worked up based purely on clinical symptoms without an EKG – this is the state of mental healthcare today.
With these important questions & considerations in mind, Paradigm Psychiatry was incepted during the wake of the COVID pandemic
Since then, we have had the privilege of providing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to numerous patients. In contrast to the limited efficacy of psychotropic medications and their endless list of unfavorable side effects, TMS has induced positive outcomes in nearly every single individual. It has been helpful for any and every diagnosis, and also without any diagnoses. Side effects are basically zero. TMS enhances generalized well-being.
Some have even referred to it as “the closest thing to Magic.”
According to the Free Energy Principle, the existential mandate of our Nervous System is to engage in what is known as Active Inference. Learn more about this fascinating phenomenon in this video.
So, what’s the hold up? If it really is so magical, then why isn’t it more widely available?
As we came to learn first hand experientially, there exist Conflicts of Interest.
Every force in the world appeared to antagonize the provision of this essential healthcare intervention. For each person that opts to choose TMS, thousands of dollars locked up in futures contracts signed by Health Insurance companies stand to be voided. I.e., if you receive the treatment that helps you to feel better, somebody won’t be making the money they were expecting to.
Almost every patient has been forced to try and fail medications before receiving “authorization” for TMS. Some have experienced negative outcomes (e.g., Psychiatric Hospitalizations) in the process. These costs are incurred, ultimately, by us tax-payers.
TMS Policy implemented by the largest private health insurer in America
Clinical Judgment has been trumped by Greed.
The middlemen get away like bandits, and us Patients & Physicians are the ones left paying. These medications come with a litany of side effects and take time to exert their effects. Many of these side effects contribute to the epidemics mentioned above; e.g., weight gain & metabolic syndrome perpetuating the Obesity Epidemic. We pay not only with our Time & Money, but above all – our Health.
Such dynamics are tearing apart the Fabric of our Society.
Education and Schooling are perpetually under-funded. Medicare suffers cuts. Pensions are liquidated. Financial instability looms.
What can we do? Is there a solution?
We have to do the opposite of what we have been accustomed to.
Instead of delegating Trust to “experts” and “authorities” on the subject matter at hand, we have to establish consensus with each other and amongst each other.
This is the strength of America
Our Bill of Rights and the 1st Amendment grants us the inalienable rights to establish Peer-to-Peer Consensus. Psychiatry is an Art, and its foundation is also Decentralized & Peer-to-Peer.
With the Distributed Ledger Technology of Ethereum, we can collectively decide what should be valued, paid for, and reimbursed. This is the Magic of web3 & Smart Contracts. We, the People, become the Priority. This is Psych3:
Psych3 Bridge onboards us to web3, and it begins with the self-custodial & peer-to-peer acquisition of Decentralized Identities (DeID):
Is there an “EKG” for the brain?
Yes. This is EEG – short for Electroencephalography.
As mentioned earlier, the Nervous System engages in Active Inference in order to minimize its Free Energy - which can be understood as Information Entropy, or more generally, Disorder. EEG Waves are continuously output by our Brain. These objectively quantifiable patterns correlate tightly with various states of mind, including psychiatric illnesses.
EEG is non-invasive; it can be used to diagnose and monitor responses to interventions like TMS
Wouldn’t it be valuable for as many people as possible to have access to this?
Again, Conflicts of Interest prevent this technology from being widely accessible.
But this time, We, the People, can come together to change this.
It’s time to Deploy the Archimedes’ Lever! It’s time to onboard to web3
Further reading/reference material:
Nature of Money (Depth Psychology Perspective)
Traditional Contracts and the Violation of Justice in Medicine
Neuroscience of Ethereum: Decentralized Science for a Human Node Network (Gitcoin Grant from inaugural Decentralized Science #DeSci round)